Contractor Expenses - more guides

Check out our main contractor expenses page for more information about what you can claim as a contractor.

The dos and don’ts when using HMRC’s ‘reasonable method’ to claim a chunk of your house’s utility bills.

On top of the principle expenses contractors in a PSC can claim, add these 14.

The admin side to the most complicated of business expenses, and how it could save you if an inspector calls.

Whether it’s your end-client or agency doing the reimbursing, be aware the sum cannot simply be regarded as tax-free.

Like any other software, AI tools need only pass the ‘wholly’ and ‘exclusively’ tests to be tax deductible.

Overview for directors looking to put vision on the company without (HMRC) complications.

Overview to getting back what can be an overlooked monthly or annual cost for contractors.

Overview of HMRC expenses rules for reimbursing yourself on technology purchases.

The answer to this popular query by PSCs is a reassuring ‘yes.’ But be across many considerations.

Flat rate or receipts basis? Either method makes working from home expense-able.

What can and can’t be claimed when limited company workers stay overnight for business.

Intouch Accounting on how to make the most of relief on the road.

Intouch Accounting on the allowable expenses when working at home part-time.

The general view of HMRC is that working for an agency does not qualify for travel expenses.

Are you a PSCs facing a £13,000 tax rise? Claim these 12 overlooked items while you still can.

Forking out personally for your business doesn’t have to equal cash, tax or pricing problems.

What you can claim and how – an overview for on-the-road contractors working for themselves.

The who, what and when of claiming expenses for training, by Intouch Accounting.

With an umbrella company, mileage and general travel expenses can be allowable.