Contractors' Questions: How to take a loan from my limited company?

Contractor’s Question: Drawing dividends and salary may suffice, but if I need to what is the best way to take a loan from my limited company? Is there a limit to what I can take out, and would my repayments incur interest?

Expert’s Answer: As a limited company contractor, any funds you withdraw from your company that are not in respect of salary, dividends or business expenses will be classed as a director’s loan. Before you go ahead and withdraw the money, it’s important to ensure that your company has sufficient funds to cover its other liabilities, such as corporation tax.

As a contractor, you are fully entitled to take a loan from your limited company but must gain shareholder approval beforehand. As most contractors are the sole shareholder in their company, this is generally something of a formality.

As to your final two questions, HMRC has strict rules around loans made to a director, and a tax charge will apply if the loan is not repaid within certain timescales (Editor's Note: As of April 2016, the rate of tax charged was increased due to an announcement at Budget 2016).

A director’s loan must be repaid within nine months and one day of the company’s year end.

For example, if you borrowed £8,000 on 15 May 2014, and your year end was 31 December 2014, then you would have until 1 October 2015 to repay the loan.

Any amount that is outstanding following this date would then be subject to corporation tax at a rate of 25% (before April 2016). The tax ‘charge’ can be reclaimed from HMRC, but only after the loan has been repaid to the company. If a loan is repaid over a number of years, the company will be able to reclaim part of the tax paid on its corporation tax return for the year. 

From a personal tax perspective, the maximum amount you can borrow before incurring any income tax liability is £10,000. Once a director’s loan rises above this threshold, it is classed as a ‘benefit in kind’ and becomes subject to income tax. This charge can be eliminated by charging interest on the loan – the rate for 2014/15 being 3.25%.

In terms of repaying the loan, you can simply transfer money back into the company bank account, or credit the director’s loan account with a salary or dividend payment.

The expert was Richard Murray, head of operations at contractor accountancy firm ClearSky Accounting.

Editor’s Note: Further Reading –

Contractors’ Questions: How to draw money out of a limited company?

Contractors’ Questions: Is my dividend at risk of being a director’s loan?

Monday 5th May 2014
Profile picture for user Simon Moore

Written by Simon Moore

Simon writes impartial news and engaging features for the contractor industry, covering, IR35, the loan charge and general tax and legislation.
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