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Sumit Agarwal

Sumit Agarwal ACA, ACMA is the Managing Partner of DNS Accountants, a multi-award-winning accounting practice. Sumit has helped thousands of businesses to grow with his strategic support and guidance. Sumit has developed many businesses successfully and currently involved with Accounting and Software Business.

Sumit is passionate about making Business and Accountants highly profitable using Smart Digital model. He is the winner of Young Entrepreneur Award 2012 organised by the Indo British Business Forum at the House of Commons and featured in Sunday Times amongst the 2016 Top 200 Professional in the UK.

Author Content

Light or reliant? The level of internet usage is a key to knowing if you can claim.

19th February, 2019 | Expenses

Contractors under investigation must dance to HMRC's tune, especially with no insurance.

19th February, 2013 | Limited Companies

No contractor can afford to chance it with a taxman that rounds up rather than down.

13th February, 2013 | Limited Companies

Expert continues to spell out how sanctions facing contractors can be ruinous.

6th February, 2013 | Limited Companies

Avoid enriching officialdom by completing, filing and paying accurately and on time.

30th January, 2013 | Limited Companies