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Find out how to get your next contract job with our contract job guides and advice. More information on moving from permanent to contract roles, average daily rates, going direct with clients, and moving from public to private sector.

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IT Contracting Jobs Guides

Leap up the professional network’s rankings, increase your profile visits and even land work, just by doing the following four.

Learning or developing these skills for 2022 could lead to higher contract rates and more opportunities.

What does a Contract Project Manager do and how do I become one? 

What does a freelance Business Analyst do and how do I become one?

All you need to know about pay cuts; who’s at risk, how they hurt and when to jump.

Explained - the staple payment terms of freelancing, attached to your next IT contract, by Outsource UK

How your personality can determine whether contracting direct with the end client is for you, or not. 

Rundown of what end-users in the capital want, outside of development and security.

How to handle increasingly tough pre-contract and background checks in 2015.

Answers to the big questions IT contractors increasingly pose about interviews.

How veterans and newbies alike can source IT contracts, time and time again.

Hays' five top tips on the value of person-to-person connections in the digital age.

Screening firm, Powerchex, on the information checks you and your company will be required to undergo - and how to prepare.

Does the economic climate mean that contractors have no option but to take reduced rates on the chin, or are there measures that can be taken in self-defence?

Why the way you handle jumping from permie to contractor defines your whole experience of contracting.

The technical and administrative decisions you'll need to make, and why you need more than shiny shoes on your first day.

Not having truly transferable skills isn't stopping contractors trying to switch sector.

Veterans aren't the only IT contractors who should be ready to go direct.

The IT Coach sharpens your CV and offers guidance on agent-relationship building.

How to get your CV to the top of the agency's pile and other top tips.

By understanding how to fit your skills to your client's advertised needs, you CV can present you as the perfect solution.

In this two-part article, the IT Coach explores the drives that apparently get us out of bed in the morning.

The IT Coach looks at how to make contracting more enjoyable.

You will not maximise contract rates by smiling meekly and taking whatever the agent offers, but by negotiating for the best deal available.

The below information allows you to identify the highest daily rates for the latest IT contracts.

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