Help for a husband-and-wife company trying to mitigate the new dividends tax.

14th July, 2016 | Section 660

Tax expert Andrew Hubbard on changing the rules for ‘husband and wife’ firms.

23rd March, 2011 | Section 660

Tax barrister Anne Redston on how HMRC tots up how much ‘husband and wife’ firms must pay.

16th March, 2011 | Section 660

Kingston Smith guides contractors through the old and new rules for 'husband and wife' businesses.

9th March, 2011 | Section 660

Income shifting: accounting tips for an Arctic Systems-style business.

2nd November, 2010 | Section 660

Tax tips for a limited company owner wanting to share the business with his family.

25th October, 2010 | Section 660

Tax expert on using your 'Ltd' for the spouse's contract.

30th September, 2010 | Section 660

Tax expert helps an IT contractor hoping to split dividends with his spouse.

3rd March, 2010 | Section 660

Experts answer the underlying question of the BN66 ruling.

31st January, 2010 | Section 660

Whitehall whispers suggest family business tax hasn't got the Treasury's blessing.

10th March, 2008 | Section 660