It’s been 17 years since they first struck, but the MSC rules getting a guidance refresh should help the contractors of today ‘understand, identify, and respond.’

'Victims' of the taxman’s MSC campaign must likely wait until 2023 for a court date.

‘Separate yourself from the herd’ – and other top tips for contractors daunted by HMRC gearing up to test the untested.

With HMRC pursuing both accountants and contractors under MSC rules, the time for action is now.

More contractor accountants getting assessed as MSCPs is ‘obvious’ but, for now, one firm is forcefully fighting back.

Taxman updates the ‘little-read’ series with his MSC victory -- a ‘battering ram.’

First ever appeal against the MSC legislation goes the taxman's way; convincingly.

All eyes are on new laws, but it’s the 2007 MSC rules that are costing contractors many thousands.   

Contractors increasingly on the receiving end of HMRC demands for unpaid tax.

Online alert that being a service company's officer or partner is no defence.