5 benefits for contractors of working with a top life coach

In the dynamic world of contracting, where demands are high and uncertainties abound, harnessing the services of a life coach can offer invaluable support and guidance.

I’ve worked with many contractor clients, writes life coach Shwezin Win of Win at Life, and they found coaching helped to unblock their thoughts, clear their deliberations, and end procrastination.

In short, life coaching propelled them into informed action. 

The words of mathematician and physicist Albert Einstein come to mind here: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Here are five benefits for contractors of working with a life coach:

1. Newfound clarity in goal-setting

A life coach who knows their onions excels in helping individuals clarify their goals and aspirations on a whole new level of focus.

For contractors, this means aligning personal and professional objectives, whether it's achieving a healthier work-life balance, scaling their business, or refining specific skills. By defining clear and distinct objectives, contractors can navigate their career paths with purpose, direction and laser-like focus.

2. Enhanced time management capabilities

Time management is crucial for contractors juggling multiple projects, deadlines, and client demands.

A heavyweight life coach will provide effective strategies for prioritising tasks, setting realistic timelines, and maximising productivity with tangible results to show for it.

Through personalised techniques and accountability measures, contractors can optimise their time management skills, opening the door to greater efficiency and effectiveness at work.

This newfound ability to be productive and create the reputation to deliver, can give you the leverage for securing that (currently elusive) higher day rate.

3. Stress reduction and wellbeing in the face of intensity, even adversity  

The nature of contracting can be inherently stressful, with fluctuating workloads, financial pressures, and the need to constantly adapt to new challenges – and not just challenges of the HMRC kind!

A top life coach offers you a supportive environment to explore stress management techniques, cultivate resilience, and prioritise self-care.

By addressing underlying stressors and adopting healthy coping mechanisms, contractors can enhance their overall wellbeing and sustain peak performance in their professional life without adversely affecting their personal life.

Your newfound ability to work under pressure, deal with difficult stakeholders, and execute the day-to-day will help with developing discipline and boundaries, so you don’t let professional challenges spill into your personal life.

4. Heightened communication and interpersonal skills

Effective communication is essential for long term, sustainable success in freelance contracting.

Whether it's negotiating pay and terms, managing client relationships, or collaborating with colleagues you need to be able to connect and work with client employees quickly and effectively (especially if you go for short-term contracts). 

Life coaches worth their salt improve your communication and interpersonal skills, and in my case, that’s empowering contractors to express themselves confidently, resolve conflicts diplomatically, and build rapport with stakeholders.

By honing these sometimes neglected skills, contractors can strengthen their professional networks and enhance their reputation in the technology industry. 

Increasing your level of skill at communicating will make you stand out in a competitive market and help ensure agents and decision-makers are ready to snap you up when you’re next available.

5. Total accountability and pure motivation

One of the most significant benefits for contractors of working with a trusted life coach is the accountability they provide.

Through regular check-ins, goal tracking, and personalised action plans, such a life coach will help contractors stay accountable to their commitments and maintain momentum towards their objectives.

Whether you’re looking to improve your skills, qualifications, personal development or just maintain your standing in your industry, your reputation is crucial in making you attractive to current and prospective clients.

Additionally, try to look for the life coach who’ll serve as a trusted ally, offering encouragement, motivation, and constructive feedback to keep you focused and inspired on your contracting journey to success  in way that doesn’t short-change you on fulfilment.

Do you need your ' whole self ' coached by me?

The above are just five benefits that my contractor clients report from working with me.

By me coaching the ‘whole self,’ my contractors find it helps them become more self-aware on numerous fronts, and simply helps them address various aspects of their life, including personal, professional, emotional and mental dimensions.

Isn’t it time that you too felt empowered to take control, and gain greater focus to develop effective strategies to success and overcome obstacles hindering your growth and progress?

Hybrid blurring, tax deductibility, and a transformation that could start with one quick call

Finally, be aware that a spike in entirely remote gigs are blurring the lines between home and work, resulting in many people finding it harder to focus, with too many distractions and too much weight on their mental health load. The result? We’re increasingly ending up in stuck in a rut, sometimes in a loop of blurred boundaries, procrastinating what we really ought to be doing with our lives.

Be in no doubt -- contracting can be a demanding and dynamic profession. Leveraging the expertise of an established life coach can provide contractors with invaluable support and guidance which, by the way, can potentially be tax-deductible as a training expense. Unlike skills-only training, coaching with me provides you with personal learnings which can improve your business performance and mindset throughout all facets of your life.

Got questions? If you would like to know more about life coaching, or how working with me can empower you to thrive both personally and professionally, book your FREE, no obligation call here: https://go.oncehub.com/ShwezinWin

Thursday 18th Apr 2024
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Written by Shwezin Win

Shwezin Win is a fully qualified and experienced Personal Performance Coach. She has worked for over 20 years in small and major businesses within retail and marketing. She has held senior positions, managed large teams and worked for many years within IT/transformational projects, which is how she has had the experience of working with so many contractors. She set up Win at life to help as many people as possible to thrive rather than survive.

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