Contractors, know life’s up and downs from being within your rights to reach out

Life is filled with ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. It's normal to encounter everyday difficulties, but there comes a point when the burden becomes too heavy to bear alone.

A case of the monotonous, or the monumental?

Knowing when to seek professional help, such as life coaching, can make a significant difference in contractors’ well-being and quality of life.

Indeed, many of my clients reached out to me because they want to gain new perspective on life’s challenges – the monotonous and the monumental, writes Shwezin Win of Win At Life.

Having a new awareness of your strengths, at varying levels of difficult times, can create a resilience which helps to bounce back.

That’s Life!

However, how do you know the difference between everyday struggles and when you could benefit from seeking support? Everyday struggles are a natural part of life and can encompass various challenges such as work stress, relationship issues, financial concerns, or health setbacks.

These difficulties may cause temporary discomfort or inconvenience but are typically manageable with coping mechanisms, self-care practices and support from friends and family.

It's common to experience stressors and setbacks. That 10% rate request which resulted in just a 5% uptick? That milk-top constantly left loose for just you to pour it all down yourself? That missed discount voucher, doubling your costs at a time when you’ve got milk down yourself and are only on 5% more money?!

Addressing these blows, proactively, can help build resilience and problem-solving skills.

The overwhelm

On the other hand, how do you recognise when life becomes overwhelming? While everyone faces stress and adversity at times, there are instances when the weight of challenges may become overpowering, affecting multiple areas of your life and hindering daily functioning. It may be simple things that you used to just brush off, suddenly making you easily frustrated or angry.

Whether it’s at work or home life, certain people, or situations that irritate you; the blood can start to simmer if not boil. This could be a sign that life may be too much to handle. These little indications could develop into persistent feelings of frustration, sadness, anxiety, difficulty coping with stress, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, social withdrawal, or an inability to enjoy activities you once found fun.

When you get the early warning signs, if you’ve got the tools and coping mechanisms, you’ll find it easy to bounce back. Life is full of challenges and in the contracting profession, with ever-changing requirements; HMRC rules, client briefs, and people around you, it comes with the territory.

Top 4 signs you’re ready for life coaching

So how does life coaching help?

Contractors come to me when they:

1. Are feeling stuck or lack direction

A life coach can provide clarity, guidance, and accountability to help you define your goals and create a roadmap for personal growth and fulfilment.

2. Lack progress, or can’t ‘see’ progress any more

If you've been working towards personal or professional goals but have made little to no progress – or feel like you haven’t, a life coach can offer fresh perspectives, support, and tools to help you break through barriers and achieve meaningful results.

3. Are struggling with life transitions

Major life transitions such as career changes, relationship endings, family break-ups, caring for others or relocation -- these can be overwhelming.

A life coach can provide guidance and support to navigate these transitions with resilience, confidence, and adaptability. Harnessing into your strengths, developing your mindset and helping you find a clear path for this time in your life.

4. Want to be more productive

Delivering better value for money for your clients and ensuring your reputation is first rate, will stand you apart from the competition.

My clients find coaching helps them identify and overcome obstacles, empowers them to develop effective strategies (e.g. time management, improving communications, work-life prioritisation) and maintain motivation -- all leading to improvements in their productivity.

Do you deserve a life coach, to help you ace the day-to-day and defeat the biggies?

While seeking help is a personal decision, if everyday difficulties persist despite efforts to address them independently, it may be beneficial to seek guidance from a qualified professional.

Life coaches like myself, offer a non-judgemental space to explore challenges, identify underlying issues, and develop strategies for overcoming big obstacles; the biggies!

So, while everyday struggles are a normal part of life, there are times when seeking professional help becomes necessary. Recognising the signs of when life becomes overwhelming and knowing when to seek support from a life coach or other qualified professionals can empower you to navigate challenges, cultivate resilience, and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. Remember, it's okay to ask for help—it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

If you’re curious about coaching and how it could support you in keeping you at your professional and personal best, book your free, no obligation, discovery call with me here

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Written by Shwezin Win

Shwezin Win is a fully qualified and experienced Personal Performance Coach. She has worked for over 20 years in small and major businesses within retail and marketing. She has held senior positions, managed large teams and worked for many years within IT/transformational projects, which is how she has had the experience of working with so many contractors. She set up Win at life to help as many people as possible to thrive rather than survive.

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