Profile picture for user Natalie Bowers

Natalie Bowers

Natalie is a co-founder of Bowers Partnership, an award-winning recruitment company that finds people for Investment and Wealth Management firms and Asset Owners. She has more than 30 years’ experience in recruitment, corporate IT and multi-functional general management positions.

Her areas of expertise include contract recruitment, permanent search & selection and recruitment-specific regulation. She is a regular commentator for recruitment industry publications and specialist websites.

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Author Content

Revealed: the good answers to give to five regular but still dangerous banana skins.

18th January, 2024 | Guide To Interviews

Dry as a bone is an understatement to describe the chancellor’s statement. And that’s being kind.

Five fouls contractors would be wise to avoid committing, to up their game and keep agents on side.

Five underhand tactics to beware when contractor recruitment agencies go bad.

Rates are holding up amid my 20-year high for contractors, whose ‘new normal’ preference is stability.

This crisis has been very different to its forerunners. Herrings, cats, dogs, and bears. With contractors bitten and mauled.

What our niche staffing agency and our contractual partners are doing to combat the pandemic.

How contractors can take action when waiting for the other shoe to drop.

11th March, 2019 | Jobs Guides

All you need to know about pay cuts; who’s at risk, how they hurt and when to jump.

28th February, 2019 | Jobs Guides

Clients have a single decision to make whereas agencies face a laundry list, plus a bed of nails.

The three things you need to do to help land premiums, not pain, when jumping jobs.

Why at this time of year testing the market or playing hardball can be fatal.

Clients are on a respite from rules-induced work, ahead of Digital dominating in 2019.