COVID-19 Guides

Key considerations for limited company directors facing the CJRS’s September claims deadline of October 28th.

Tried and tested tips on coping with the pandemic as a freelance professional.

'The taxman’s tough talk hasn’t translated into a spike in criminal probes – yet.'

Seven duties sum up what directors should be doing whenever furloughed between now and April 2021.

England expects every high-risk returnee to now spend only 10 days indoors, down from 14.

Add-ons to the Winter Economy Plan range from necessities to cold comforts (all of which we’ll need to pay for).

The extended CJRS is broadly just more of the same, but its few softer edges may help some limited company directors.

What you can claim as a sole trader or limited company (hint: it hinges on two words).

The bolt-on to the furlough scheme successor stating ‘salary’ and ‘premises’ suggests atypical workers are out.

Top tips for techies thinking of following suit now covid’s brought back the comfy pullover.

Face-to-face meetings may be back, but the priority of covid-secure isn’t going anywhere.

Expert answers a contractor concerned that the taxman thinks he’s done something wrong.

Expert gives a potted history of the CJRS, including why PSCs are lukewarm about it.

Furlough fraud? There’d be much less risk if even us experts could count which CJRS version we’re now on.

Where your company’s address is located has nothing to do with where you trade from, so a virtual office makes virtually no difference.

IPSE outlines the potential bolt-on to the furlough scheme which government has been told to adopt to help limited company directors.

They once worked in silos but for contractors today, ‘covid-secure’ cannot be a one-person project.

If the employer obliges, one early covid victim will be both furloughed and freelance.

Unclear rules don’t make the consequences any less stiff if PSCs shirk the loans’ terms.

It may be the ‘hot coals’ for one PSC’s tax adviser but to use CJRS, the rest of his team might need embracing warmly.

Commuting a long distance, and back again for a long weekend, is likely to be acceptable, even if it does look foolish.

Budget not covid stopped an ex-PSC’s project, so it’s up to his umbrella to provide coverage.

A contractor’s spouse has got more chance with her old employer than her new one.

The government has been generous, but not to everyone, and especially not to umbrella contractors.

Nothing in the legislation for the CJRS forces umbrellas to cover their workers.

Make like Rocky, not Bob, if you want to survive n’ thrive through the coronavirus outbreak.

Flow chart on the furlough scheme, for both umbrella and limited company contractors hoping for 80% coverage.

Playing catch-up, not hard ball, is probably why a brolly is barring SSP, yet it can pay 80% of NMW.

'Opting out hardly helps to get paid for time worked. But the real wrongdoing is with your recruiter.'

Lawyer cautions a contractor about confusing his furloughs, and about challenging IR35 decisions in challenging times.

This pandemic provides the perfect conditions for limited companies to ask leniency of the taxman.

By only ‘encouraging’ non-central government clients to pay out, the chancellor is ensuring thousands of contractors get overlooked.

Limited options for a ‘Ltd’ contractor whose start date was deferred due to coronavirus.

Legal aid for a limited company contractor whose IR35 case is undermined by his coronavirus hopes.

Overview to the only cash grant PSC owners are being offered during the pandemic.

Welcome as it is, a suspension to the wrongful trading rules won’t see limited company contractors right.

Sensible and efficient, the Right to Work changes covering you and your umbrella are in force immediately.

Forced to work? Fanatical to work? There’s practical contractual steps to take and a key clause to scrutinise.